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Album (25)


Ajattara Äpäre 2006
coeur Noitumaa 2009
Amoral Wound Creations 2004
Decrowning 2005
Arthemesia a.O.a 2009
Blutvial I Speak Of The Devil 2009
Code (UK) Nouveau Gloaming 2005
Hanging Garden Inherit The Eden 2007
Israthoum Monument Of Brimstone 2009
Kalmah The Black Waltz 2006
Moonsorrow Kivenkantaja 2003
Verisäkeet 2005
V: Hävitetty 2007
Noumena Absence 2005
Rapture Silent Stage 2005
Reverend Bizarre In the Rectory of the Bizarre Reverend 2003
Harbinger of Metal (EP) 2004
II: Crush the Insects 2005
Rotten Sound Exit 2005
Consume To Contaminate 2006
Shamrain Goodbye To All That 2007
Shape Of Despair Shades Of... 2000
Illusion's Play 2004
Sólstafir Masterpiece Of Bitterness 2005
Köld 2009

©Les Eternels / Totoro mange des enfants corporation - 2012 - Tous droits réservés
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